



Green Policy

Aiming to build a sustainable industry, Advantech practices its green policy in 3 main areas, Green Design & Manufacturing, Green Product Management and Green Supplier Management.

Green Design and Manufacturing

Advantech is actively engaged in green design of products and considers the 3Rs (Reusing, Recycling, Reducing), waste and pollution reduction, and prevention as guiding principles. Hazardous substances are prohibited in the manufacturing process, and energy saving is incorporated in the design phase. Recently, Advantech also proactively drew efforts in Carbon Footprint Presentations, Greenhouse Gas Examination and so on.  Learn more >>

Green Product Management System and Process

To achieve certification of its environmental systems, Advantech's Quality Management System complies with International Standardization Organization's (ISO) and IECQ QC 0800000 Hazardous Substance Process Management (HSPM) criteria.

Supplier Management: Green Sub-Contractor

With the sustainable development operating concept, Advantech and supply chain partners have built stable cooperating relationships. RoHS (HSF), QC08000, ISO14000 , OHSAS18000 and EICC (Electronic industry Call of Conduct) have been incorporated in our green supply management. We call on all Advantech suppliers to respond to environmental improvement and labor safety maintenance, and follow the 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) principles in design, production, services and all other kinds of operating activities to reduce and prevent pollution. The results of appraisals form an important consideration for future cooperation to ensure all incoming materials into Advantech conform to environment safety and sanitation regulations and environmental protection requirements.

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